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Sharing my art on this website is about reconnecting once again with my simplest, truest self, and helping you connect - and reconnect - to yourself, to the world, to others.

Welcome and Enjoy.

When I think about who I am at my core - ever since my childhood - I have always been an artist. I am also a wife, a mother of two young kids, a pediatric nurse practitioner, a healthcare researcher, and an outdoor enthusiast. But years spent in healthcare left little time to cultivate my passion for art. It is time, now, to pursue something I have always loved.

In 2018, after 12 years in a stimulating yet stressful healthcare career, I decided to press ‘pause’, taking time to stay at home with our baby girl.

As soon as I let myself breathe, my long buried passion for art bubbled to the surface, beckoning me to reconnect with my creative spirit. I had spent my childhood painting, creating. I would bring my paints wherever I would go, painting in watercolors, in acrylics, taking classes on oil. For my high school summer "job" in 1999 I negotiated for my parents to commission me to paint a mural on the outside (read: street facing, much to my brother's chagrin) of our garage door. At age 17, my "prep" work for the mural was to present my mom with a 4 inch by 6 inch gridded sketch and ask her to have faith that I could work it out. She did. I took classes at MIAD (Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design), enjoyed private instruction from both my grade school and high school art teachers, and took watercolor classes in college. But I always felt art was "too personal", that I was "too sensitive" about my work to ever do it for a living.

So I pursued nursing, then nurse partitioning, then health care research and clinic management. I started and ran a pediatric obesity treatment clinic. I didn't pick up a brush for years. Literally - like 15. But some part of me (my entire right brain, perhaps?) started whimpering, then crying, then screaming to get out, to be used once again.

And so here I am. As soon as I took a step back from my health care career, visions of paintings and murals flooded into my mind. It was time to re-engage with my core self, my creative spirit, and let the painting flow. Maybe there is a message to share, an image that may inspire. Maybe it's meant to be therapeutic to put me back on track and slowly dissolve my burnout. But either way, it feels amazing. I'm here, feeling alive, revitalized and ready to share.